Networking in Six Minutes or Less

Published: Apr 10, 2012

 Career Readiness       Law       Networking       
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Last week, more than 100 attorneys and other legal professionals congregated at the New York City Bar Association for its first Speed Networking event. Much like speed dating, speed networking matches participants with the types of individuals they most want to meet based on profiles filled out before the event, and then gives them six minutes to make connections that will hopefully last much longer.

Dave Delinko of was on hand as the evening’s emcee, announcing when each meeting had reached its halfway point and when it was time to rotate. Delinko also provided some conversational pointers, like remembering to let your networking partner have a turn to speak (always a good reminder). He also encouraged participants to focus on the positive—even one great contact should be considered a success. After the speed rounds, the mingling continued at a networking reception, where attendees could continue conversations with their matches or meet new contacts in a less structured setting.

So what was the final verdict on the night’s success? Jill Paul, an attorney with human rights and international law experience, is seeking to transition to a role in commercial litigation and hoped to make some new contacts in the field. She said she met several practitioners in her area of interest, as well as fellow job seekers with whom she was able to share resources and advice.

Ross Kartez, a 3L at St. John’s University, said he found the cocktail reception to be especially productive. Ross, who is interested in dispute resolution and litigation, spoke with two different mediators who gave him advice about pursuing a career in ADR. One new contact even invited Ross to observe him in a mediation session.

Overall, the evening was an excellent opportunity to make new contacts, practice networking techniques, and socialize with colleagues. If you missed out on this year’s event, don’t worry—the NYC Bar Association is planning a repeat.

--Rachel Marx, Law Editor

