PwC Named Most Prestigious Accounting Firm

Published: Apr 18, 2012

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For the third year in a row, PwC ranked as the most prestigious accounting firm in Vault’s annual Accounting Survey. This year, more than 4,100 accountants took our survey, and what respondents at PwC’s competitors told us is that PwC’s employees “have superb credentials, receive outstanding training and experience,” and the firm’s “client list includes the major players.”

Although PwC just barely beat out second-place finisher Ernst & Young (which has “quality people,” puts out “quality work,” and has a “super client base”) and Deloitte (which is “high-powered” and “technologically-advanced” and has a “great reputation worldwide”), PwC’s third time in as many years on top of the ranking solidifies it as the place to work in the accounting industry when it comes to prestige.

As for what PwC insiders think of their very prestigious firm, many staff members agree that “the sheer amount of hours worked and associated stress are the worst aspects of working at PwC.” But most also agree that they very much appreciate working alongside “extremely bright,” “intelligent,” “fun,” and “capable” people. And they appreciate the “excellent advancement and training opportunities” and “networking opportunities you get at many large, reputable companies” (that is, at PwC’s big-name clients).

Indeed, PwC is a “well known name that provides the necessary building blocks to a good career,” and “you’ll learn quite a bit your first year, and gain exposure and get to interact with high-level executives.” As one PwC staff member explains, “Electing public accounting as a career path means that you’re electing a career of client service, and with that comes tremendous responsibility and periods of long hours. However, at PwC, you’ll receive the best entry-level education to accounting and finance, and you’ll be a head and shoulders above your peers in professional development just a couple years down the road.”

And, of course, when asked what’s the best part about working for PwC, many insiders also cite “prestige” and “brand-name recognition.” As one insider says, “The best part of my job is putting PwC on my resume.”

Read More:

50 Best Accounting Firms to Work For

