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Booz Allen Summer Games Internship Program

8283 Greensboro Dr
McLean, VA, 22102



The Booz Allen Summer Games is a unique opportunity for interns to simulate working in a startup incubator within a variety of fields, from consulting to engineering.

Internship Program Stats


How To Apply

To apply for internship opportunities, please visit, create a profile, and use "internship" keyword search to apply to any and all internship roles of interest.

Internship hiring begins in the fall and lasts throughout the spring. Candidates will be interviewed on campus or by phone.


Number Of Interns

101 or more



6 to 12 weeks





Academic Level

College Sophomores


International Students Eligible


About the Program

Booz Allen Hamilton is a leading provider of management and technology consulting services to the US government in defense, intelligence, and civil markets, and to major corporations, institutions, and not-for-profit organizations. Booz Allen is headquartered in McLean, Virginia, employs approximately 25,000 people, and had revenue of $5.86 billion for the 12 months ended March 31, 2012.

The Booz Allen Internship Program is geared toward students with the knowledge and drive to work a...

About the Company

Edwin G. Booz founded Booz Allen Hamilton in 1914, on the eve of World War I, to help businesses succeed through an outsider’s perspective and a human touch. Over the past century, Booz Allen Hamilton has carved its own place in the consulting industry as an indispensable advisor to the U.S. federal government, particularly in administering IT strategy and integration to numerous agencies and departments. 

There is hardly an area of government that has not felt Booz Allen’s influence ...